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News and Events

Here you will find upcoming events and our latest news in order of publication.

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How to integrate TSN protocol into Linux based end-equipment

Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) offers an IEEE standard communication technology that enables interoperability between standard-conformant industrial devices from any vendor. It also eliminates the need for physical separation of critical and non-critical communication networks, which allows a direct exchange of…
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Running the Corporate Run of Bilbao 2022

The Corporate Run has been held in Bilbao and SoC-e has participated with a fabulous team of four colleagues: Igor, Jon, Mikel and Fran. More than a thousand athletes have run the 8 kilometers that started from the Euskalduna palace.…
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Testing & Verifying complex FPGA designs – Part III

Simulation & Verification are fundamental in the process of developing any good quality FPGA-based RTL codification. These are key steps within SoC-e’s designing procedures, and in this article, we are going to provide more insights about them in our Networking…
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Webinar: HSR, PRP & PTP for IEC 61850 Digital Substations

From IP Cores up-to Added Value Equipment for Substation Automation SoC-e will be presenting a new webinar in collaboration with its Indian distributor, ESS. In this session, attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about HSR & PRP protocols…
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SoC-e taking part in the first 2022 TSN Testbed of IIC

As in previous years, the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) has organized a Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) related testbed, which is now taking place in Stuttgart, Germany, from April 26th (Tuesday) until Thursday 28th (Thursday). After a complicated 2020 and 2021,…
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Testing & Verifying complex FPGA designs – Part II

Simulation & Verification are fundamental in the process of developing any good quality FPGA-based RTL codification. These are key steps within SoC-e’s designing procedures, and in this article, we are going to provide more insights about them in our Networking…
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Testing & Verifying complex FPGA designs – Part I

Simulation & Verification are fundamental in the process of developing any good quality FPGA-based RTL codification. These are key steps within SoC-e’s designing procedures, and in this article, we are going to provide more insights about them in our Networking…
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SoC-e in the COMMUTE project

We have recently participated in the Hazitek grant programme! As SoC-e is a company fully committed to R&D, the Basque Government has recently awarded us a grant for the COMMUTE project: design and development of a high-performance, cybersecure, application-oriented and…
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Latest TSN standards supported in our TSN Switch IP Core

Our current TSN Switch IP Core is evolving! Apart from the 10G TSN Switch implementation, we remain on the cutting edge of TSN standards. This new post will cover the latest updates of our TSN Switch IP Core, which goes…
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2021: See you next year! – SoCe

What a year we’ve had! It has certainly been a year to remember at SoC-e. The task of summarising in a few lines, no more and no less than 365 days of hard work, achievements and evolution, seems complicated. A…