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RELYUM once again attends the MILVA 2024 Plenary Conference

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From 16 to 18 April RELYUM will be in Bristol (UK) at the Milva Conference: an Independent, non-profit, international forum for AFV Vetronics, Systronics & NATO Standardization. The event aims to bring together decision makers, scientists, engineers and armed forces from government and industry. And to develop standards associated with NATO / NAAG / LG “Land Engagement” for advice and standards development.


  • 16 April 2024: Multi-sessions with international civilian and military experts in the different MILVA Working Groups.
  • 17-18 April 2024: Plenary Meeting of all participants with presentations on all aspects of AFV Vetronics & Systronics. Daniel Uribe from SoC-e will present a paper entitled: Solving Challenges beyond TSN Case Studies.

See you there!

Photo by Boys in Bristol Photography: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/ciudad-punto-de-referencia-viaje-viajar-15993237/