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Experiment the seamless redundancy of TSN with Multiport TSN Kit Release v20.01!

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The new MTSN Kit release version20.01 introduces a new demo to test IEEE802.1CB(FRER) feature. IEE802.1CB allows implementing redundant paths for designated traffic ensuring zero-delay recovery time in case of network failure. This capability is a huge step forward to push the adoption of TSN technology in critical sectors like Aerospace&Defense, Industrial Automation and Transportation.

Here is the summary of the new changes introduced in firmware v20.1:

  1. IEEE802.1Qbv module updated.
  2. New Demo: IEEE 802.1CB(FRER).
  3. Web manager updated.
  4. General bug fixing.
  5. Additional improvements.

Customers can upgrade their MTSN Kit firmware through our Community Forum (MTSN Kit Support Area).

For more information, please contact us at: info@soc-e.com