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IIC TSN Testbed (Stuttgart, March 2020): Testing specific features for TSN Configuration and IEC/IEEE 60802 Industry Profile

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The week of 2nd of March SoC-e TSN Team has taken part in the IIC TSN Testbed in Stuttgart, Germany. This long term investment on Interoperability testings is a value for all of our customers, that demand and updated and verified TSN solution. Unfortunately, due to CODVID-19, the attendees number has been reduced compared with other editions.

During these technical sessions, SoC-e Team has evaluated with other partners the evolution of the high-availability TSN and Frame Preemption features already integrated on of MTSN IP . These features are described in P802.1CB and  802.1bu respectively. They will supported in new releases of MTSN IP aligned with the evolution of the standardization process of the IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN Profile for Industrial Automation.

These inter-operability help to ensure that  each vendor has interpreted the standard in a compatible way and the solution takes into account the management layer defined for TSN.
