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SoC-e enters in the Industrial Cloud Computing Market with the first IP for Sampled Measured Values Computation

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SoC-e unveils SMVsubscriber, the first IP core focused on massive Sampled Measured Values (SMV) processing for on-premises/external FPGA accelerated computation. The SMV concept was introduced by the IEC 61850-9-2 standard to  communicate Current and Voltage Transformer (CT, PT) outputs and other signals in new Digital Substations and in some Smart Grid premises.  The real-time values are digitized at the source and then transmitted to those devices using an Ethernet-Based Local Area Network (LAN). SMV have been typically used by IEDs to perform protection operations of the Grid.

Thanks to this fully-hardware processing, the IP offers a fixed latency of 6us for the 1st harmonic parameters and  RMS computation supporting a simultaneous computing of 320 SMV streams using a medium-size FPGA device. This disruptive approach for SMV enables the use of real-time data for control & protection, quality analysis and business intelligence in the Electric Grid.

SMVsubscriber key features are:

  • Layer 2 IEC 61850-9-2 (SMV) frame processing
  • High performance implementation of DFT computation module for calculating magnitude and phase of the first harmonic (50 or 60 Hz)
  • High performance RMS computation module (up to 1562500 calculations/s)
  • Up to 128 simultaneous SMV streams supported (up to 320 streams depending on the process Window configuration)
  • Deterministic latency time for full computation of 6us
  • Status, configuration and statistic counter registers
  • 1000 Mbps AXI-Stream interface for seamless on-chip communications and combination with SoC-e networking IPs (HSR/PRPEthernetTSN)

If you want to know more about SMVsubscriber, do not hesitate to contact us at info@soc-e.com.