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SoC-e and DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH test comprehensive multiport TSN Ethernet setup for Automotive Applications in the Research Project EMPHASE

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DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH has released a news about the TSN set-up for Automotive presented last month in Berlin (Germany). SoC-e has provided the TSN backbone infrastructure used in the Automotive demonstrator. This set-up emulates the behavior of some sections of the car interconnected using this new generation deterministic Ethernet standard. SoC-e provided the TSN switching infrastructure, consisted of SoC-e development boards based on System-on-Modules (SMARTmpsoc) programmed with SoC-e TSN IP Core (MTSN or Multiport TSN IP).

EMPHASE set-up with SoC-e TSN based Deterministic Ethernet backbone.