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SoC-e joins the TSNAero Project

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We have R&D in our DNA and that’s why the Basque Government has recently awarded us a grant within the Hazitek grant programme.

This is the TSNAero Project: design and development of next-generation Ethernet communications technology and product that can be integrated into aerospace platforms.

Technological surveillance of aerospace communications solutions shows growing market interest in certifiable solutions based on the new deterministic communication standard TSN. This “new” Ethernet allows you to securely group communications with real-time requirements with general data communications. An indicator of this interest is the work of the agents involved in the sector (companies, agencies, universities, research centers, etc.) in the development of a specific specific TSN profile for Aerospace. This profile defines how and which TSN functionality will be incorporated into future airborne systems. In addition, it defines functionalities and performance requirements that cannot be addressed today with the TSN technology available on the market. In SoC-e we have seen this as an opportunity (we like challenges!), because during the last years we have developed TSN technology that could already be incorporated in sectors such as industrial automation and transport. The main objective of the TSNAero project is to obtain state-of-the-art Ethernet communications technology and products that can be shipped on aerospace platforms:

  • Research solutions and develop TSN technology for aerospace profile:
  • IP hardware described in VHDL for implementation in Silicon.
  • Complementary software for embedded systems.
  • Develop product in the form of electronic cards in standard format for the sector and qualified for subsequent certification in security, cybersecurity and EMI/EMC & Environment. These cards would incorporate the patented technology developed in the Project.
  • Integrate hardware and software technologies developed into standard electronic cards to be able to offer TSN as an on-board electronic sub-system.
  • Validate the complete solution by integrating the electronic card developed into a complete on-board system. This system will include a set of multifunction boards (CPUs, communications, sensors, etc.).