SoCe TSN team is again attending this week the TSN Testbed organized by the IIC Consortium between October 23rd and October 26th, at the Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW) of the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Last IIC TSN Testbed was celebrated on July at the same location.More than 15 leading companies, experts in Ethernet networking, take part in this Testbed. Several Testbeds have been held during the year. Current Testbed will host its 12th plugfest in a 2-year timeframe with two very clear goals:
- Design and set up a new demonstrator with equipment from member companies performing real-time control automation functions over standard Ethernet network infrastructure supporting the new TSN capabilities.
- Continue working on the permanent TSN interoperability rack composed by end-devices, network infrastructure and testing equipment for on-going and in-between testing of TSN capabilities by members.

The demonstrator is intended to be use in future events, like SPS IPC Drives, in November. The setup is powered by two SoCe devices:
- RELY-TSN-PCIe: This board can act as a TSN Endpoint and as a Bridge (simultaneously)
- RELY-RB+: This device is a 6-port TSN-compatible bridge supporting 1 Gbps speed
Both products use SoCe‘s reconfigurable TSN technology: MTSN Switch IP.
The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) is the organization in charge of transforming business and society by accelerating the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Testbeds are a major focus and activity of the Industrial Internet Consortium and its members. SoCe is member of this consortium since beginning of 2018.
For more information, please contact us at and take a look to SoCe TSN White paper: Enabling the Road to TSN