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SoC-e presents at TSN/A Conference 2020 its MTSN IP core in action: Automotive and Digital Factory use-cases

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This year again, SoC-e will be present at TSN/A Conference.  Our speaking slot is scheduled at Thursday 8th@18:00.  The abstract of this contribution is summarized as:

Taking benefit from TSN in Automotive and in Time-aware Wireless set-ups

Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is evolving at different speeds. While the equipment vendors start to offer to the market TSN products based on the most stable and tested features, the technology providers push actions for evaluating the newest TSN capabilities. This presentation presents two innovative use-cases and pilots where SoC-e TSN Technology has been applied. The first one, focused on factory automation, has been developed by Ikerlan Research Center combining wired TSN networks and Wireless ones sharing the same synchronization layer.  The second one, presents a DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH comprehensive TSN setup for Automotive Applications.