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SoC-e, Speaker, Exhibitor and Sponsor at TSN/A Conference 2018, Stuttgart, Germany

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SoC-e contribution“Facing the Security Challenges in TSN” has been selected for oral presentation atTSN/A Conference 2018. This presentation is scheduled for the 26th of September at 10:15h in the Mövenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe, in Stuttgart, Germany.

The security in Critical Systems is a hot topic. The digitalization process is non-stoppable, and new cyber-threats are emerging due to OT and IT integration. Therefore, a need for protecting real-time critical messages is increasing.TSN is the interoperable deterministic Ethernet solution oriented to multiple sectors like Industry, Energy, Automotive and Aerospace that impose strong security requirements. AlthoughTSN can benefit from many IT world field-proven security mechanisms, new security challenges like cyber-attacks to the synchronization plane and to the real-time traffic need to be taken into account. This contribution reviews these specific issues and proposes some initial workarounds. 

In addition to this talk, SoC-e will be also present as Exhibitor and Sponsor at Booth 17, showing its edge-technology forTime-Sensitive Networking (TSN), at TSN/A Conference 2018, Technology & Applications, between September 26-27, 2018. A demonstration set-up will be shown, where visitors will be able to see the first TSN capable High availability militar router-switch.
Also, our business partners and customers will receive 10% discount on the participation fee if they register online for conference using the following code: TSN2018SC. We hope that you can join us!

For more information, please contact us at info@soc-e.com