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SoC-e succeeded in TSN synchronization Plugfest at ISPCS 2016

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SoC-e has taken part in the IEEE 802.1AS Plugfest celebrated last September 4th-6th in Stockholm (Sweden) during the 2016 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS 2016). This Conference is the reference for the Industry and Academia in the topic of Synchronization.

In this 2016 Edition, SoC-e in cooperation with the University of the Basque Country has participated on testing the IEEE 1588-2008  profile (802.1AS) defined for Audio-Visual Bridging (AVB) networks. A revised version if this profile is focused on the emerging TSN networks (ASrev). These tests have been conducted during the “New Technologies” scheduled tests and SoC-e 802.1AS implementations have been validated for Boundary and Ordinary Clock mode of operation. These implementations are required for the TSN Bridges and End-points respectively.

The following block diagram summarizes the block diagram of the tested IEEE 802.1AS Boundary Clock Bridge using SoC-e IP cores (Precise Time Basic IP and Managed Ethernet Switch IP) implemented on SMARTzynq Brick board. This board includes a Zynq SoC device from Xilinx.

SoC-e has taken part in these Plugfest events since 2011, testing with other companies time-aware HSR/PRP complex network topologies like the PRP-HSR interconnection validated in 2015 Edition.

If you want to know about more about SoC-e Time-Aware Networking solutions, do not hesitate to contact us at: info@soc-e.com