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SoC-e´s 1588Tiny IP core on ARTECHE´s new generation IEC61850 optical current transformers – April 2014

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The Optical Current Transformer (SDO OCT) is an alternative to the existing conventional current transformers, providing an advanced measurement solution for both metering and protection applications, based on a cutting-edge optical sensing technology. 
OCT is provided with Arteches´s smART DO technology. The Optical Current Transformer provides a digital output compatible with the IEC 61850-9-2 LE protocol, allowing for the implementation of Process Bus technology within the substation.
SoC-e 1588Tiny IP Core for Xilinx FPGAs has been integrated in this product to provide accurate synchronization over IEC 61850. 1588Tiny is an all-in-hardware IEEE 1588 solution. It supports Power Profile, Fast and Gigabit Ethernet and it requires minimum resources to be implemented.