Last month SoCe TSN Team was again taking part in the IIC TSN Testbed in Stuttgart, Germany. Due to the pandemic situation, it was hold online.
Nowadays, due to the multiple features involved in TSN, it is necessary accelerating the technical tests among technology providers to validate the releases provided to the end-customers. In the same way, these events help to move forward in the definition in common network configuration schemes. This Testbed is envisioned to be useful in a wide range of applications, including Manufacturing, Utilities, Transportation, Aerospace and Oil and Gas.
These inter-operability help to ensure that each vendor has interpreted the standard in a compatible way and the solution takes into account the management layer defined for TSN.
When it comes to SoCe products, we offer a wide range of products in order to implement a complete and a flexible TSN solution.
- MTSN Switch IP Core. This IP core is a flexible HDL code ready to generate TSN end-point or bridge implementations.
- MTSN Kit. This kit has been designed not only to test the MTSN Switch IP, but to support an advanced hands-on TSN as well. It is composed by two boards ready to run a TSN Network setup.
Additionally, SoCe technology is embedded into end products like the ones that our Relyum offers.
About Us
System-on-Chip engineering (SoCe) is a worldwide leading supplier of time-aware Ethernet networking solutions. SoCeis pioneer in developing a portfolio of IP cores and rugged platforms that implement these technologies for critical systems.
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