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IIC TSN Testbed (Stuttgart, October 2019): Testing specific features for the new Industry Backbone (IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN Profile for Industrial Automation)

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This week SoC-e TSN Team is again taking part in the IIC TSN Testbed in Stuttgart, Germany. Last IIC TSN interoperability event was celebrated only four months ago. However, due to the multiple features involved in TSN, it is necessary accelerating the technical tests among technology providers to validate the releases provided to the end-customers. In the same way, these events help to move forward in the definition in common network configuration schemes.

In this sense,  the new technical features that SoC-e Team will test this week is related with high-availability TSN and Frame Preemption. These features are described in P802.1CB and  802.1bu respectively. They will supported in new releases of MTSN IP aligned with the evolution of the standardization process of the IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN Profile for Industrial Automation.

These inter-operability help to ensure that  each vendor has interpreted the standard in a compatible way and the solution takes into account the management layer defined for TSN.

IIC TSN Interoperability Tests in Stuttgart, July 2018.TSN-brochure-6-19-19