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SoC-e takes part in the IIC TSN Testbed (Stuttgart, Germany) from 24th to 27th July

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The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) is the organization in charge of transforming business and society by accelerating the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Testbeds are a major focus and activity of the Industrial Internet Consortium and its members.

SoCe will be attending, as an IIC member company, the Time Sensitive Network (TSN) Testbed organized by the IIC on 24-27 March in Stuttgart, Germany. In this testbed, SoCe collaborates with other member companies in order to build up a permanent “interoperability rack”, that will allow to test TSN implementations from different vendors. As a permanent setup, all the participants will be able to remotely access this setup and continue with interoperability work after the testbed. Additionally, SoCe will test the interoperability of some of the new TSN features included in the 18.10 release of SoCe MTSN IP.

The Time Sensitive Network (TSN) Testbed is envisioned to be useful in a wide range of applications, including Manufacturing, Utilities, Transportation, Aerospace and Oil and Gas. The framework offered by the testbed is valuable to work on the following topics:

  • Analysis of combined real-time and best-effort traffic flows on a single network based on IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)
  • Vendor interoperability using standard, converged Ethernet
  • Security architectures in conjunction with critical control traffic and feedback on the secure-ability of initial TSN functions
  • IIoT incorporation of high performance and latency sensitive applications
  • Integration mechanisms and architectures for smart edge-cloud control systems directly connected into flexible manufacturing

TSN technology can be purchased and easily integrated in any project using any of the following SoCe‘s alternatives:

MTSN Switch IP can be implemented optimally depending on the application, from a TSN endpoint to a complex TSN multiport switch. The designer can select, among other parameters, the number of ports and memory distribution for the switch implemented in the FPGA section. This entire configuration is done graphically in Xilinx Vivado Tool.

MTSN Switch IP can be evaluated using the MTSN Kit. This kit has been designed not only to test the MTSN Switch IP, but also to support an advanced TSN hands-on. There are two version of the Kit available, one based on Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC and another based on Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC.

Additionally, SoCe technology will be embedded within two TSN devices of our Relyum partner:

  • RELY-TSN-PCIe: This board can act as a TSN Endpoint and as a Bridge (simultaneously)
  • RELY-RB+TSN: This device is a 6-port TSN-compatible bridge supporting 1Gbps wire-speed in each port

For more information, please contact us at info@soc-e.com and take a look to SoCe TSN White paper: Enabling the Road to TSN