Dear Customer,
If you received the link & password of this web page is because you are about to perform the payment through our Paypal Business account.
It is very important that, before you perform any payment, the following information has been provided to your contact point from SoC-e:
- Company official name
- Company official address
- Company VAT Number / TAX ID Number
The above information is required in order to provide you the Invoice (such document is sent by email) so be sure that you have provided it to us.
Additionally, we also need you to enter a project/purchase reference code. Such code will also be provided by the contact point from SoC-e. Such code will usually have the following format like the following example:
Last, if the purchase implies some physical delivery (like FPGA based modules, boards, etc…) then we will also need a valid delivery address (this should be requested by your contact point).
If the above information has been already clarified, you are ready to go. The payment process can be started by clicking on the “Buy Now” button below. This button will open Paypal web and will allow you to perform the payment. You can use your credit card (without a customer Paypal account) or your Paypal account, whatever you prefer.
- PayPal applies a fee that must be added to the payment by the purchaser. Thus, please don’t forget to consider that extra fee into the payment. Before the link to this web is provided to you, you will already be warned about this. The fee is the following:
- National Transaction (Spain): +3%
- International Transaction (Other Countries): +5%