We have attended the EDHPC 2023 (European Data Handling & Data Processing Conference) in Juan-Les-Pins (France) and we have again razed the presentation! Talking about TSN always generates expectation and if we also do it in a space context, the attention increases significantly. On this occasion the speaker was our colleague David Modroño together with Leonardo Favilli, from AVIO. It basically consisted of explaining why Ethernet and TSN are suitable technologies for this specific use case in a space application, in the context of a space launcher (space rocket). In addition, they did not only talk about a hypothetical use case, but also presented the current state of development, with a test configuration confirming the feasibility of using this technology. All this refers to a new ESA initiative, which aims to drive the development of a new generation of space launchers with new capabilities, using the latest available technology. For communications within launch systems and devices, it is proposed to use TSN, to replace the old communication buses: CAN or STD-MIL-1553. To conclude, the results were presented, although development is still at an early stage and the idea is to continue working on it. So, if you are interested in TSN, space, or both, be aware of the upcoming publications that we will be making.