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SoC-e at Embedded World 2017: Smart Factory Ecosystem (Nuremberg, 14-16 March)

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Digital Enterprises are moving to a realistic approach combining Fog, Enterprise and Cloud computing. Key drivers of this evolution are “Plug&Work” synchronized networking, distributed processing capabilities, heterogeneous sensor interfaces and multi-layer cyber-security.

SoC-e presents at Xilinx booth (Hall 1/1-205) a live demo of a complete ecosystem of Edge computation devices based on Xilinx SoC and MPSoC devices. The designs implemented on these equipment are based on:

Do not hesitate to visit us! If you want to arrange a face-to-face meeting you can contact us at info@soc-e.com.

See you in Nuremberg!-


In January 2017, Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) Journal of Innovation has released the following publication co-authored by SoC-e named Making Factories Smarter Through Machine Learning. The following link gets access to the PDF version of this article at IIC Website. Enjoy the reading!