SoC-e contribution to Basque Industry 4.0 Eco-system – BIEMH 2018 –

Prof. Luis Noberto claimed yesterday at the CFAA (The Centre for  Aeronautics Advanced  Manufacturing)  conference in the BIEMH tradeshow: “Collaboration is key, is the key “.


In SoC-e, we agree 100% with this message. The digitization in the Industry is a continuous and multidisciplinary process.  The BIEMH is a very important event for the Industry in the Basque Country. This year, Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory initiatives have been present all around the trade-show.


We have modestly contributed to this eco-system with the following actions:



  • Edge-computing and Time-aware Networking equipment with SoC-e technology inside: Relyum and Semantic Systems partners