SoC-e Eguna 2023

Last Friday, June 23, we were celebrating! Not only because it was SoC-e Eguna (our company’s day), but also because it was the International Women in Engineering Day.

To celebrate this day we did a race in sailing boats and it was an experience!









Then we all went to eat together and ended up having a drink very close to one of the bonfires that were lit by being the Night of San Juan.

This year as a novelty, we distributed the “SoCies Awards” (parody of The Dundies of the television series The Office). Three mini statues were given to the winners of the three ingenious categories that one of our colleagues invented.











The truth is that these activities that you share with other colleagues, unite and strengthen the ties that already existed. Because if anything characterizes our company is the good atmosphere you breathe.

Until next year SoC-e Eguna!